
somehow, i feel like i grow up too fast. gila ya gue udah umur 16 tahun aja, udah kelas 2 SMA. this are the things that when i was a kid i've imagined, being in highschool. dulu kayanya 16 tahun itu udah tua bangeet trus gue ganyangka aja gue tiba-tiba udah kelas 11 gini. dan jujur  i haven't figuring out what my future like. i mean, let's be honest, gue pengen jadi orang sukses oke semua orang juga pengen masa depannya sukses. but the thing is i think i don't know ho to reach that. gue masih belum tau gue pengen kerja jadi apa, apa yang harus gue lakuin untuk menghasilkan uang, dll. gue ngerasa gue belum siap jika nanti suatu saat gue harus masuk ke dunia nyata, dunia kerja, ngelamar kerja, dll. gue ngerasa gue itu masih butuh nyokap dan bokap untuk selamanya. gue sering bgt mikir, 'ih kayanya gue baru kemaren dianterin tk sama nyokap gue'. jujur, gue pgn bgt ngulang masa kecil gue. gue pgn bgt jd anak yg selalu sm nyokap kaya dulu. gue pgn ngerasain dimanjain kaya dulu, ngerasa keluarga yg bener-bener bahagia kaya dulu. when i was a little kid i didn't have to worry about the chances losing one of your family member. now, i just have to prepare myself for the possibility of losing the one i love. because everybody get old. and i'm not ready for losing them forever. i just wish i could re-live that good old times when everything was okay in my family:(

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